Meet the Team
Kristin Morrison
Executive Director
Jana Barfield
Program and Marketing Coordinator
Cindy Shaw
Advocacy Coordinator
Kristi Gilley
Advocacy Coordinator
Rebecca Thomas
Administrative Assistant
CASA’s Board of Directors is a dedicated group of community volunteers with diverse talents and professional backgrounds. They provide CASA with a high level of governance, fiscal oversight, compliance, and accountability.
Angela Elder, Chair
Vicky Dotson, Treasurer
Carla Jones, Secretary
Jared Ross
Susie Chitwood
Lisa Dylinkski
Elaine Tiamfook
Kaylar Howard
The Board meets 5 times a year, and we welcome other community leaders inspired by our mission to fill open board positions as they arise.
The Howard Center for Women’s Health
South Georgia Banking Company
Ashley’s Business Solutions
Pediatric Dental Center of Georgia
Hendrick’s Cleaning Service
Scott Goodman, Realtor
Stuart Pate, State Farm
D&D Construction and Rock Yard
Splash N Dash
Lifeline Home Care Services
Irwin EMC
Kirby Smart Family Foundation
Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
Promoting Safe and Stable Families
Turner County Board of Commissioners
Tift County Board of Commissioners
Irwin County Board of Commissioners
Worth County Board of Commissioners
Northside Baptist Church
Conger LP Gas